News & Info

Muscle Meat: Muscle meat is the main ingredient of the barf raw food diet. Is the primary source of protein in the food. There are two types of muscle meat: white muscle meat and red muscle meat. White muscle meat is chicken and turkey, it has a low amount of myoglobin in muscle tissue as fibres do not need more oxygen for energy production.Red muscle meat is pork, beef, and...

Transition to barf and feeding guide
The protein and fats are very different components in the kibble diet from the raw fresh food diet. Kibble dog food is high in carbs, very minimum moisture, poor protein ratio and low-quality fat. Where BARF raw diet is a High-quality Protein source, high in moisture, low to negligible carbs and a decent amount of healthy Fat. Sudden changes in diet can cause some digestive issues in dogs. For example...

Essential Nutrients in BARF Raw Diet
We have created the nutrients information based on the national research council’s guidelines for essential nutrients.1. ProteinProtein is a structural component of organs, soft tissue, skin, blood, muscle fibre, muscles and connective tissue. It is very important in BARF raw diet for dogs.Proteins can work as:-enzymes-antibodies-hormonesProteins are essential for the transportation of molecules throughout the body and extra protein molecules are used for energy.Protein molecules are also important for conversion into...

Importance of Liver Organ in Raw Food Diet For Dogs
Dogs are here to share your stress, make you happy and feel your emotions. That's why we have to take care of them, and health always comes in the first place. Healthy Life = Healthy Diet, so you must be wondering what should be fed to make your Dog feel happy and healthy? Then the answer is RAW FOOD for dogs. Yes! In the meal plan, you must have a Raw Diet, as...